Thursday, February 18, 2010


O YES!! It was to see some great new stuff. Me and my gf's were at the Nicole Miller, Venexiania, Tracy Reese, Betsey Johnson and Jeremy Scott shows!!! HEAVY HITTERS!! We also saw a bunch of celebs and fashion officionados such as Michelle Williams, Amber Rose, Patrick Mcdonald, Joe Zee and, Robert Verdi...just to name a few ;)

LUV'd it all!!

Heres some pics from Betsey's and Jeremy's show...for more add me on FB ( ...ENJOY!!

Betsey Johnson fall/winter 2010

Jeremy Scott fall/winter 2010

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy Va[l]entine's Day!! MUAH!!

I'll be spending my day #1 going to church, #2 crashing a fashion show and #3 listening to "valentine's Day" by Solange...
What about you??


Thursday, February 11, 2010

R.I.P. McQueen...

What a way to kickoff fashion week... :(
This morning when i learned of McQueen's death it felt just like MJ's...
You can only imagine the mood of my predominantly fashion filled's a sad situation.
All i can wonder is what he was going through...smh.

Tremendous Talent. You will be missed. xoxo

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

...a little [S]hade...

Loved this...

"Detective" by Kristin Kursiss for Latvian designers Mareunrol

[S]now Day!!!

Snowed in on 225th Street....but im not complaining!! School's out for a day...HALLELUJAH!!
Of course the snow plows are on the move tho...good ol' NYC Sanitation! that i've checked in, i guess ill go back 2 tweeting... @sweet_royaltiii HOLLA @ ME!!


PS...TOMORROW IS THE FIRST DAY OF NY FASHION WEEK!!!! khsfkjafghsdjkfbnvashjkbcljhnjlk!!!!!!!