Wednesday, April 28, 2010

[C]hicken as BREAD?!?!!?


KFC has created the "Double Down" chicken sandwich...which is bacon, cheese and, sauce in between two slabs of fried chicken....
Now i do eat all of those things but this seems a little too much 2 me...

All i want to know now is what hungry man approved this??

Here's a funny take on the sandwich...

What do you think???


Sunday, April 18, 2010


I had just watched The Monique Show the other night with momma dukes and saw Eva Marcille rockin' these killerrrrr heels.

I thought to my self, " need to find out who made need them!"

And Just my luck, due to a series of out of service train stations, my friend and I ended up strolling 5th Ave. late last night and BEHOLD....VERSACE!!!!

i havent found the price on these yet but, the boot versions are just a mere $1,995 o_0

I admit...i havent been keeping up with my Italian fashion (because im super late) BUT, boy oh boy does Versace have me drooling right now.....

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Ms. F[I]T 2010

...another year, another pageant "queen"....

This year I attended FIT's Ms. FIT pageant...

You may think this is just some poor excuse for girls to parade in front of the student body with hopes of being crowned H.B.I.C. BUT, YOU'RE WRONG!!

Ms. FIT is really a BOY!! [GASPSSS!!!] LOL
Yes you read's a DRAG pageant!!!! =] And need less to say the boys did play....

The event was hosted by Robert Verdi, (he was a hilarious mess). The contestants were FULL of character....some more than others :/ but it was fun. The winner this year was Amber Alert, although i think that NONE of them held a torch to the 2009 winner, Alexis Jones!!

Oh's some pics and a vid of Alexis workin it!! :)

Friday, April 2, 2010

The Museum of [M]odern Art... was supposed to be a productive day at school (yes i know it's spring break but FIT is a slave ship), BUT the school was closed. turned into a day at the MoMA!! Free Fridays + College Students + Tim Burton= Jackpot!!

Besides the art that looked like i did it when i was 5 years old, I was very impressed. Consider me inspired...
I even saw my favorite painting, Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh. :)
But tired....even came home with a knot on my knee (i consider it a
Now time to rest!!


Thursday, April 1, 2010