Thursday, September 22, 2011

FIDOO Scholarship Contest

I would LOVE to win this scholarship! Not only for the financial stability that it will provide, (any fashion design student knows that supplies & fabric are not cheap!) but also for the great platform that this contest is set upon.

I have an extreme love for fashion and everything included in the industry and also have a passion for enhancing it. The future for budding designers such as myself will definitely be challenging and competitive when schooling is all over. I think that there sould be a sort of bridge between the school world and the actual industry. Many brands have successfully created their image so well that they would sell millions without a single ad in a magazine. I believe that it is now time for them to pass the torch and support some fresh ideas. Myself and two other friends have come up with an idea to begin a boutique that showcases new & young fashion designers' work in order to promote their business. We hope that once we graduate we will be able to put this plan into motion as our way of giving back to the fashion community while lending a helping hand to others like ourselves. We hope that in time we would be supported by fashion icons, brands and organizations. I hope that one day this idea can take off and be very successful at aiding the launch of new designers into the industry. Maybe even the idea will catch on & spread into many boutiques all over the state and then next, the country! I think it would be an AMAZING step towards a better world of fashion!

So excited for the future of fashion & can't wait to be a part of it! =]

Monday, January 24, 2011


I guess this post is for my fellow females...

Do you consider yourself confident? Self-assured?? Beautiful??? I do.
I'm not trying to come off conceited...I just feel that every girl should feel this way about themselves.

But even though I tell myself that I am these things, somewhere in the back of my mind or maybe even my heart, I don't believe it. I didn't even realize this until today when I cried as my mom told me I was beautiful.

My mother was giving me encouragement on career searching and I told her that I had some image concerns. (Me being a plus sized girl in the fashion industry isn't very standard and not favorable to most.) My mother told me that it doesn't matter what size I am... "You are BEAUTIFUL", she said. Now this isn't something she hasn't said before but, as the lump in my thoroat grew larger and the tears came rolling down my face I realized that somewhere along the line...I stopped believing it. All the stylish clothes [which I love buying], and pretty pictures [which I love taking] didn't mean a thing.

Now the purpose of this post isn't to boost my ego or exalt myself. It is to tell all of my sisters of every type this: YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. [and don't you forget it!]

Don't let any person, blog, magazine, celebrity, doctor or, any other obstacle, tell you different! And I'm not just talking about outward appearance. This all may sound cliche but I truly mean it with no "corn" intended. Show your personality, let it speak without words...Let your beauitful confidence out. It wants to shine!! All sizes, races, nationalities & ages...I'm speaking to you and don't forget it. I'm hoping that me sharing this personal moment really does impact someone.

Moral: Don't ever let yourself feel "unpretty".

[You know I had to do it... =P....but in all seriousness, listen to the chorus.]

Luv ya!
S. Royaltiii

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Sooo I 've been addicted to tumblr lately and because of this I've neglected this blog. So I've been thinking of ways I can use both of them productively.
Solution: My tumblr will be used for more general mind blurbs, fashion finds & daily inspiration. If you want to keep track of me all the time [which I KNO YOU WILL =P], check it.
--->>> My tumblr <<---

This blog will be for my more in depth thoughts and experiences...strictly a life journal. All me, all the time. I won't update this as often but i still will use it.

Hope whoever is reading this can enjoy the posts to come! =]
