Thursday, June 18, 2009


4:14 AM
Me and the bestie are having boy talk...yea i said it....BOY TALK. 
And we just want to know one thing...WHY??? WHY..WHY..WHY??

WHY is it that boys don't know what a good girl looks like...
And if you say you do... YOU'RE LYIN!! Cuz if you knew what a good girl was, you wouldn't drop her for some next class-less, good-for-nothing, always-wants-to-argue, lame-excuse-for-a-girlfriend.

and.....we wanna know....

WHY is it that boys feel like they HAVE to lie....
Dude...if you didn't lie to me we wouldn't be having the very conversation that you thought you were avoiding by lying to me!!! It's a lose/lose situation for you because you shouldn't have messed up to begin with but at LEAST you could have saved the drama, headache, and sore throats by telling the truth!! The truth will set u free my brotha...

and last....(for today at least)....we wanna know...

WHY do boys avoid conversation....
If something is on your mind....say it!! If you aren't upfront with whatever is on your mind, we're gonna start asking "what's wrong with you" and "are you okay". Yea I kno you don't like when we ask that, but if we don't then how will we know?? If you start acting reserved and we don't know why, how are we supposed to know what to do??
 If you didn't like what i said will we know?? If your favorite pet frog will we know?? If you need a will we know??? 

Be straight with us fellas...PLEASSEEE???

"Some men tear your heart in two,
Some men flirt and flatter,
Some men never look at you,
And that clears up the matter. "_Dorothy Parker

Luv yahh!! MUAHHH!! <3


  1. this sounds very personal
    but men are not as open as women are, u have to be patient. once they set the pride aside they could be the man you've always wanted
    niggas lie to impress because now a days women have such high standards, not that that is a bad thing, but they figure they have to grab your attention somehow right?

  2. I agree but don't men have high standards also....if not higher?? so why then do we come as we are but they don't???

  3. the things that attract women to men is completely different from what attracts men to women. consequently the standards would be different.
    women can come as they are because men chase women and not the other way around, except that select few of women who take initiative. so women already feel a sense of attention because you wouldn't chase something that you don't want right? and the chase applies pressure to men to impress women because now they have to prove they are worthy of your time and attention, there is no pressure on the women because they already know that they have your attention... (in no way take this as me defending the reasons why men are the way they are or aren't, i am just providing a different point of view)

  4. see you cant just assume that ALL men have low standards
    i personally love having HIGH standards for the girls that i show interest in.
    this does sound like a vent and you cant even say that girls dont be lying and tripping as well... we are the same... different in some ways but we behave and act in the same manner

    and what do girls do sometimes... cater to the guys ego and then when he finds out you were just playing then you get hurt
    i often say that being in a relationship is a 2 way street both parties would bump and crash at sometime down the road
